L-R: William Hoff (Logistics), Deanne Labrecque (Treasurer), Janelle Cameron (Team Leader), Kyle Vold ( Chaplain)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hola! Well, after about a weeks worth of rain it's finally stopped, although on the other side of La Ceiba around 2000 people got evacuated because of the rain. The sun finally came out today! We are all very happy to see the sun again. For the last couple of days the boys have made 12 tables in all after breaking a lot of drill bits and screws... they look good though! Janelle and I have been busy with school supplies and painting. There are a couple of banana trees in the back and one of them was dead. Jeff whipped out a couple machetes and Will hacked it down. Janelle also had fun with the machete (don't worry though, she only went for the banana tree) The inside was like an onion and full of water. Jeff also showed us a bunch of bananas that was just beginning to grow and it looks pretty crazy. Yesterday for supper a local girl named Caraline cooked supper for us. She made us rice, Greek salad and two kinds of shrimp: deep fried of garlic. It was super good! And for dessert Janelle and I made Wacky cake. Coco and Eva's mom made us homemade donuts too. As it turns out, Jeff knows this pretty good card trick and both Janelle and Kyle ended up betting him $10 each that he couldn't guess which card was theirs. Let's just say they both owe him $10! Today we visited Abuela (Grandma) and Monica checked on her foot which had been very inflamed. It's looking a lot better now. Then we headed out to El Pino where we stopped at a church that was involved in a food program for the local children. We hung out with the kids for a while and they really enjoyed getting their picture taken and taking pictures with Janelle's and Will's cameras. By the time we left both Janelle and I had at least 2 kids by our sides and Kyle and Will had at least 3 hanging off their arms and jumping on their backs. They were pretty sweet kids. Well, we're looking forward to a good week of sunshine! Talk to you all later!


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